1989 – heute EUROPARAT Übereinkommen gegen Doping

Antidoping – Internationale Dokumente / Texte

EUROPARAT Übereinkommen gegen Doping

>>> Progress in UNESCO’s work on the draft international anti-doping convention

>>> Europarat, Übereinkommen gegen Doping, Strasbourg, 16.11.1989

>>> 1989 Explanatory Report to the Anti-Doping Convention

>>> 1989 Resolution on Doping in sport and the draft Anti-doping Convention

>>> EUROPARAT Übereinkommen gegen Doping.pdf, Straßburg, 1989 – deutsch

>>> 2002/2004 Zusatzprotokoll zum Übereinkommen gegen Doping

>>> 2010 Europarat: For a clean and healthy sport The Anti-Doping Convention

1967 Convention

29 June 1967

Recommendation adopted by the Ministers‘ Deputies, the first international instrument in the matter. In this ground-breaking text the Organisation offered at least a first attempt to define the scope of doping – the name given to the practice at the time, in French too. The Recommendation proposes „the administration to or the use by a healthy person, in any manner whatsoever, of agents foreign to the organism, or of physiological substances in excessive quantities or introduced by an abnormal channel, with the sole purpose of affecting artificially and by unfair means the performance of such a person when taking part in a competition.“

The Recommendation invites governments:

– “to persuade the sports associations and federations which organise competitions in their territory to take action”
– “to condemn the use, or procedures to facilitate the use, in preparation for or during a sports competition, of the substances or processes employed for doping“
– „to penalise offenders by prohibiting them, temporarily or permanently, from taking part in, organising or acting in an official capacity at any sports competition“

To this day the Convention has been ratified by 49 states and is open to non-European States.