2008 Expertengremium Biol. Pass


Expertengremium zur Auswertung des Biologischen Passes der UCI

Am 2. 5. 2008 gab die UCI die Namen der Experten bekannt, welche die Blut- und Steroidprofile der Fahrer auswerten wird:

Die Mediziner arbeiten in Dreier-Teams und bearbeiten jeweils die Kontrollen einer Woche. „Nur wenn sich alle drei einig sind, geht eine Empfehlung an die UCI und die Wada“, erklärt Schumacher. Radsportverband und die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur (Wada) werden gleichzeitig informiert: „Damit wird größtmögliche Transparenz gewährleistet. Die UCI hat überhaupt nicht die Chance etwas zu verschleiern.“

die Experten

The group of experts is made up of the members listed below. All of them have published numerous reference articles in their fields.

Michael Ashenden (Australia), Project coordinator, Science and Industry Against Blood Doping Research Consortium, on the Gold Coast, in Australia, and member of the World Anti-Doping Agency working group on blood parameters.

Michel Audran (France), Professor, biophysical and bioanalysis laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Montpellier I, France. Professor Audran is also a member of the World Anti-Doping Agency working group on blood parameters.

Bo Berglund (Sweden), Professor, departments of medicine and of chemistry at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, and member of the medical and anti-doping committee of the International Canoe Federation. Professor Berglund is also a member of the World Anti-Doping Agency working group on blood parameters. In addition, he is chief physician of the Swedish Olympic Committee.

Giuseppe D’Onofrio (Italy), Professor of haematology and Director of the transfusion department at the Policlinic A. Gemelli in Rome. He is also a member of the World Anti-Doping Agency working group on blood parameters.

Pierluigi Fiorella (Italy), sports doctor, cardiologist, Director of the Olympus Medical Centre in Ravenna, member of the scientific and technical commission of the Italian Athletics Federatoin, member of the health protection commission of the Italian Cycling Federation and consultant for FC Inter-Milan.

Giuseppe Fischetto (Italy), specialist in sports medicine, internal medicine and pneumology. He is Head of the emergency department at the Frascati-Marino Hospital in Rome, member of the medical and anti-doping commission of the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) and Head of the medical department of the Italian Athletic Federation. He is also a member of the World Anti-Doping Agency working group on blood parameters.

Olivier Hermine (France), Professor, service of adults haematology and service of infectious and tropical diseases at Necker Hospital in Paris. Professor Hermine is also haematology consultant for the French Cycling Federation.

Robin Parisotto (Australia) is an independent research scientist. He worked of many years with the Australian Sports Institute.

Yorck Olaf Schumacher (Germany), works in the department of sports medicine at the University of Freiburg, in Germany. He is a member of the UCI Security and Safety Conditions Commission and is currently chief physician of the German Cycling Federation.